
Corticobasal 变性


Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is a rare neurological disease associated with progressive brain degeneration. 这种疾病, 也被称为皮质基底神经节变性, 导致大脑皮层组织的损失, 或者说是大脑的外层, 尤其是上面的区域, 大脑的前部.

The brain tissue of patients with CBD show cell changes that also appear in patients with two other disorders — 额颞叶痴呆进行性核上性麻痹. These changes involve a brain protein called tau 和 may provide researchers with some initial clues regarding the causes of corticobasal degeneration. Currently, there are no known causes, such as toxins or infections.


As an international leader in the field of dementia disorders, we are actively researching the cause 和 progression of corticobasal degeneration. This work has led to better patient care through counseling, 支持和治疗症状的药物 such as memory loss 和 movement problems.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

The gradual loss of brain tissue 和 症状 typically begin between ages 45 和 70. Initial 症状 include stiffness; shaky, slow or clumsy movements; 和 difficulty with speech 和 comprehension.


  • 平衡. 行走和平衡困难
  • 内存. Short-term memory problems, such as repeating questions or misplacing objects
  • 肌肉控制. 难以控制脸部和嘴巴的肌肉
  • 演讲. Progressive difficulty speaking 和 difficulty comprehending language

Symptoms related to muscle control usually begin on one side of the body 和 spread gradually to the other.

在完成特定任务时可能会遇到困难, such as opening a door or brushing one's teeth or using tools such as a can opener. When a leg is affected, a patient may have problems with complex movements such as dancing. As the disease progresses, a patient may begin to trip 和 fall. A patient also may experience uncontrollable movement of an arm or leg.

In the past, patients have been diagnosed on the basis of movement problems that appear similar to 帕金森病. CBD patients also experience many 症状 that are not characteristic of Parkinson's 和 it is sometimes referred to as a "Parkinson's-plus"' syndrome.

一些患者会出现记忆或行为问题. They may have difficulty with expression of language, such as finding the right word or name. Reading, writing 和 simple mathematical calculations also may be impaired. 人格改变, inappropriate behavior 和 repetitive 和 compulsive activities similar to those in 额颞叶痴呆 are common in CBD.

A person with the disease often becomes immobile five years after 症状 emerge. Within 10 years, pneumonia or other bacterial infections may lead to life-threatening complications.

Significant advances in the underst和ing of CBD have been made 和 the 加州大学旧金山分校记忆与衰老中心 is actively involved in researching the cause 和 course of the disease.


在疾病的早期, it may be difficult to distinguish corticobasal degeneration (CBD) from other neuro-degenerative diseases or forms of dementia. 诊断包括全面的神经学检查, 结合一种或多种实验室评价:

These scan provide images of the brain in the areas most frequently involved in the disease — the upper 和 front sections of the cortex 或者说是大脑的外层, 以及前脑底部的基底神经节, which is associated with functions such as motor skills 和 learning.


Currently, there are no treatments to slow the progress of corticobasal degeneration (CBD). Instead, individual 症状 are targeted with specific medications or therapy. For example, rigidity 和 difficulty walking may partially respond to treatments for 帕金森病.

Muscle contractions 和 和 twitching may respond to muscle relaxants or anti-seizure medications.

内存 和 behavior problems may respond to treatments for Alzheimer's disease or 抑郁症.


  • 职业治疗 may be used to design equipment that supports the activities of daily living 和 maintains functional independence.
  • 物理治疗 是否对维持病人的活动范围很重要. This may prevent pain 和 contraction or the shortening of muscles as well as help maintain mobility.
  • 语言治疗 may be recommended to improve articulation 和 volume of the voice.

The 加州大学旧金山分校记忆与衰老中心 is involved in research to better underst和 the cause 和 course of the disease, 这导致了心理咨询, 支持和治疗症状的药物.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only 和 is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



Most healthy older adults experience mild decline in some areas of cognition, 比如视觉和言语记忆, 即时记忆或命名物体的能力.


Use this memory 和 aging glossary to help navigate some of the esoteric terminology including, 失认症, 失语症, 灰质, τ, 空泡形成, 和更多的.

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