


Vertigo, dizziness and balance-related conditions are among the most common health problems in adults. 近40%的美国人.S. 成年人一生中至少会经历一次眩晕, 女性比男性更容易得这种病. It can occur because of a problem with the body's vestibular system, 包括内耳的结构吗, 前庭神经, 脑干和小脑, 脑区:大脑中整合感官知觉的区域, 协调与运动控制. This system regulates balance, posture and the body's orientation in space.


尽管在很多情况下病因不明, 许多疾病都会引起眩晕, 头晕和不平衡. 这些十大赌博靠谱网络平台包括:


在BPPV患者中, head or body movements — particularly when lying in bed or leaning over — can cause a brief vertigo attack that lasts less than one minute. BPPV occurs when microscopic calcium deposits called otoliths are trapped in one of the three semicircular canals that make up the vestibular system. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo and can be treated effectively.


Meniere's Disease results from an imbalance of fluids in the inner ear, which can cause periods of vertigo lasting from minutes to hours. 它经常伴随着波动,低频 hearing loss, tinnitus and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears, known as aural fullness.


Labyrinthitis results from inflammation within the inner ear, 并可能导致眩晕发作,持续数小时至数天.

Other causes

各种神经系统疾病也会引起眩晕. 这些包括:


  • Diabetes
  • 心脏心律失常
  • 换气过度
  • Orthostatic hypotension, a sudden decrease in blood pressure when you stand up
  • Psychiatric or emotional problems such as panic attacks and anxiety
  • Use of multiple prescription and non-prescription medications


UCSF offers state-of-the-art evaluation and treatment for vertigo, 头晕和其他平衡问题. 我们的团队包括听力学专家, 耳鼻喉科(耳喉疾患), 神经病学和物理治疗, who collaborate to identify the cause of an individual’s symptoms and design a plan to address them. Treatment for vertigo depends on the diagnosis and may include medications or surgery, 以及物理治疗来提高稳定性, 重新训练大脑,缓解症状.

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Signs & symptoms

By definition, vertigo is a false sensation that you or your surroundings are moving. The sensation is best described as spinning, whirling or moving vertically or horizontally. Vertigo attacks may be constant or sporadic and can last from seconds to days.


  • 眼球不正常或不自觉的运动,称为眼球震颤
  • 视力模糊,称为复视
  • 说话困难或言语不清,称为构音障碍
  • 行走困难,称为共济失调步态
  • 模糊的感觉
  • Hearing loss
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 出汗,也被称为出汗
  • Tinnitus
  • 视觉障碍,被称为示波器失视
  • 虚弱和麻木

Even medical professionals can misinterpret a patient's description of vertigo symptoms. To get the correct diagnosis, it's essential to give an accurate description of your symptoms.


来评估导致你眩晕的原因, the Balance Center at UCSF will give you a number of subtests that examine the effectiveness and interaction of the vestibular system, 或者内耳, 躯体感觉系统, 或者脚上的弯曲和压力传感器, and the vision system — as well as how these systems contribute to your overall stability and balance. The assessment helps determine which system or systems may be contributing to your symptoms and gives direction for treatment.

The assessment includes a videonystagmography (VNG) or electronystagmography (ENG) test. The VNG or ENG evaluation is separated into three subtests.

  • Oculomotor. This assesses the oculomotor system, the visual system for balance. 在这部分测试中, we measure voluntary eye movements by having you complete a series of exercises while visually following a dot on a light bar.
  • 位置或定位. 这部分测试的重点是前庭系统, 内耳的平衡结构是什么. 我们会要求你转动你的头, 或者头和身体, to monitor how the vestibular system reacts to these movements and to changes in gravity.
  • Calorics. This measurement determines how well the vestibular system responds by applying warm and cool air into each ear canal separately. Comparisons are then made of the vestibular system's performance from one side to the other, and whether there's a possible weakness or hyperresponse in the inner ear. 在热量测试中, 体验到运动的感觉并不罕见, 当测试完成后,哪个会立即消失.


Treatment will vary depending on the diagnosis and may include medications, surgery, 前庭康复训练, 平衡训练或运河重新定位机动.

Vestibular rehabilitation is the primary treatment for many disorders and is also used along with surgery or medications. Vestibular rehabilitation includes exercises that are designed to retrain the brain to compensate for, and adapt to, 前庭系统功能丧失.

Canalith repositioning maneuvers are very effective for treating BPPV. These maneuvers consist of a series of head movements designed to move the calcium deposits out of the canal in the vestibular system in which they're trapped, 回到他们的正常位置.

UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



Certain substances can influence the body's response to balance assessment tests, 降低它们的有效性. 阅读这些说明以确保测试效果.


Rotary chair testing is typically ordered along with other balance tests, to evaluate the interaction of your eyes with structures in your inner ear and areas of the brain.

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