
专利 (卵圆孔未闭)


A patent foramen ovale (卵圆孔未闭) is a hole in the wall between the heart's two upper chambers (atria). Before birth all babies have this opening so that oxygen-rich blood from the umbilical cord can flow through the fetal heart and back out to the rest of the fetus's body, a job taken over by the lungs after the baby is born and starts brea薄g. 正常情况下,开口在婴儿时期关闭. But in some people, it doesn't close, a condition called patent foramen ovale, 或卵圆孔未闭.

全氟辛烷磺酸很常见,大约四分之一的人受到影响. Because the condition usually doesn't cause 症状, most people with a PFO never know they have it. A PFO is only a cause for concern if there are complications, such as when a blood clot goes through the opening and blocks a blood vessel leading to the brain, resulting in a stroke or the type of mini-stroke known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). PFOs can also cause low oxygen levels in the blood, which can make you dizzy or short of breath.


加州大学旧金山分校 成人先天性心脏病门诊 provides comprehensive, highly specialized care for patients living with heart defects. Because PFOs are often discovered after someone has a stroke, our neurologists work with our heart care specialists to provide medical evaluations, 先进的治疗和长期监测. Our interventional cardiologists are experts in performing the minimally invasive procedure used to repair PFOs. 的 minimally invasive approach offers patients many benefits, 包括减少术后疼痛, a faster recovery and less scarring than heart surgery.

迹象 & 症状

大多数PFO患者没有任何症状. Some only discover they have a PFO after having an 超声心动图 or heart imaging test for other reasons.


  • A stroke or TIA with no apparent cause, especially in people under age 55. This is the most common way patients learn they have a PFO.
  • 血液中含氧量低. This can happen when too much blood flows through the PFO and is pumped out to the body, instead of circulating through the lungs (where it would receive oxygen).


如果你有中风或短暂性脑缺血,没有明确的原因, your neurologist or cardiologist may refer you for an 超声心动图 (心脏超声)检查PFO. This test uses sound waves to deliver detailed images from inside your heart. 经常, 评估是通过气泡研究完成的, a safe and painless test in which a sterile saline (saltwater) solution is shaken up to form tiny bubbles and injected into a vein. 的 bubbles travel to the heart and the 超声心动图 tracks their movement there. If the bubbles move from the right side of the heart to the left, 这表明有一个开口, 或卵圆孔未闭, 在两个议院之间.


A PFO doesn't need treatment unless it has caused a problem, such as a stroke or a TIA. In that case, your doctor will recommend closing your PFO to reduce the risk of subsequent events.

PFO closure is a minimally invasive procedure performed by a specialist in interventional cardiology in our cardiac catheterization lab. You will be sedated but not completely asleep (that is, 不是在全身麻醉下), 这大概需要一个小时. 的 doctor makes a small incision in the groin area to access the femoral vein and inserts a catheter (a long, 薄, flexible tube) that has a closure device on the tip. 由x射线和超声成像引导, the doctor threads the catheter through blood vessels to reach the place in the heart where the PFO is located. 的 device is then put in place over the PFO to permanently seal the opening 在两个议院之间. When this repair is complete, the catheter is removed.

遵循程序, you'll be monitored in the recovery area for approximately four to six hours. 大多数病人当天就回家了. 在放电, you'll have another 超声心动图 to check that the closure device is in the right place.

You'll have a follow-up visit with the interventional cardiologist approximately one month after your procedure. You'll need to have regular checkups with your primary care provider and local cardiologist as well. To help prevent blood clots and reduce your stroke risk, you'll need to take a daily aspirin for six months to a year and another blood-薄ning medication for at least six months. 手术后的六个月, you'll also need to take antibiotics anytime you have dental work or if you have surgery involving your bladder, 胃或肺.

在你的诊所就诊之前, your doctor will provide you with more detailed follow-up information.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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    资源 & 支持

    At 加州大学旧金山分校健康, we are renowned for our highly specialized and cutting-edge medical care. We also know that emotional 支持 matters as much as innovative medicine, so we strive to provide a variety of services to ensure that our patients and their families have all the help they need. To 支持 patients and families as they navigate their experiences in our clinics and hospitals, 加州大学旧金山分校有一支经验丰富的社会工作者队伍, 针对特定情况的支持小组, 以及优化康复和健康的课程.

    • 个案管理及社会工作
    • 正念减压课程
    • 病人的关系
    • 精神关怀服务


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