加州大学旧金山分校健康's cancer care team includes dietitians who focus solely on working with cancer patients, providing nutritional guidance during treatment and beyond. We offer several free services, described below.


If you're a UCSF cancer patient and you'd like to meet with a dietitian for one-on-one nutrition counseling, please contact your UCSF oncology practice for a referral and scheduling. 营养咨询 is free for all UCSF cancer patients, although donations are appreciated.

Our dietitians can address such topics as:

  • Dietary recommendations for specific types of cancer
  • Guidance on nutrition and food safety for certain cancer treatments
  • Tips for coping with symptoms such as appetite changes, 咀嚼或吞咽困难, 恶心想吐, 便秘或腹泻, 以及不必要的体重减轻或增加
  • Nutritional recommendations for cancer survivors
  • 膳食补充剂建议