米格尔·卡斯特利亚诺斯(Miguel Castellanos)刚开始当垃圾收集工,就被一辆车撞了, an accident that left him a double amputee. 他的一位顾客发现了他并拨打了911,救了卡斯特利亚诺斯的命. Less than a year after his accident, he is walking on prosthetic legs, 由UCSF矫形中心的团队指导和支持 & Prosthetics Center.

It's a change for Castellanos, 在紧张的工作后经常在旧金山散步5到7英里来放松的人. His goal is to do that again, but now, he says, "Even if I walk for a hundred meters, that's enough for me to feel good about myself." Here, he talks about his dedication to recovery.